Mesa Multiplano Cocoa V01
Pues después de una semana de trabajo y algunos diseños, terminamos la primer pareja de mesas para cutout multiplano. Nuna había pensado en un multiplano para stop motion pero fué...
Photoshop TIPS 1 Short TIPS for drawing animation backgrounds – Part 1 – A gradient map of the aori sky
The mini lecture I gave the other day at the “3D Background Shop Community,” a loose gathering of people who use 3DCG tools to create backgrounds for animation and manga,...
FREE OLM Open Tools (Tools for After Effects/Photoshop/Maya)
This set of free tools works as a great substitute to PSOFT After Effects plugins like CelBlur, ColorReplace, etc… Feel free to check them out, we used PSOFT tools for...
SayMotion Open Beta – DeepMotion (AI Promot to Animation)
DeepMotion, a well-known AI-based character motion solution, has released an open beta of SayMotion, a service that generates 3D motion of a person from text! SayMotion: Text to 3D Animation...
Mute unwanted Headlines and Images from websites
Well it’s been a while, elections are coming and I don’t want to be reading bullshit about people I don’t care for, so made this quick TAMPERMONKEY script that will...
Autodesk 123D Design latest version 2.2.14
If you love plasticity and would like to play with CAD visually, there was a time where this app was working and free. Well you can still install it and...
DECRYPT 3DS MAX Encrypted .mse Scripts
So it’s been years that I’ve been using this utility and I thought I would share it with the world. You need the 3DS file to use the quickbms...
Make 3DS MAX UI Blazing fast!!!
So if you are used to the fast blazing UI speeds of old 3dsmax 2009, then you’re like me, annoyed when 2016+ MAX versions became extremely laggy. So I’ve found...
This story about a marzipan seller will make you cry
Finally we are able to publish the short in YouTube, after several years. Enjoy watching a friendship story about living in the friend zone and keeping up with it until...
ADBLOCK anything that uses wildcards or random numbers
So recently I wanted to block the comments section on a website however the element blocking was not working as they used random strings at the end of the div...