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Mesa Multiplano Cocoa V01

Pues después de una semana de trabajo y algunos diseños, terminamos la primer pareja de mesas para cutout multiplano. Nuna había pensado en un multiplano para stop motion pero fué...
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Maya and Pyserial fix on Windows

Well, I was having issues getting pyserial and Maya to run for serial communications using python. I was getting the error “Error: No module named serial” The solution: Make sure...
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AI Powered PIANO “Piano Genie”

Piano Genie is in some ways reminiscent of video games such as Rock Band and Guitar Hero that are accessible to novice musicians, with the crucial difference that users can...
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BiteyCastle Academy 2dFX FREE COURSE

During many years I followed and took this course for FX animation, covers all the basics from lighting to smoke clouds and motion layering with perspective. An amazing asset that...
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APPLIBOT Free Maya 2023 3D Rigs

Free rigs from applybot Japan for Maya: Intermediate student download Beginner Student download Source: