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Fightcade + Auto download ROMS

Just found out about this frontend+emulator+stream like plattform that enables you to play MK2, Streef Fighter, KOF, etc… online with users all around the world. Install Fightcade from Create...
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VFX Apprentice 2D FX Tutorials

And then they did VFX Apprentice pack with tutorials for other fx but this bunch of tuts it’s pretty hefty, plenty of good tips to setup your workspace and timing/spacing...
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Great website with abandonware

For those looking for 123 by autodesk, calligary truespace, carrara, azdrawing, azpainter, apdviewer, etc… this is a great website with all that abandonware hosted locally.
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Codemeter remove license when disabled

So you’ve been having problems reactivating your codemeter licenses, this website has the instructions on how to remove codemeter licenses via the cmd prompt. 1. Open CodeMeter Command Prompt...
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Wacom Service Automatic Restart Tool

So you’ve been having issues with your wacom tablet (Intuos, Cintiq, Grapphire) 😛 and it stops being pressure sensitive or it just stops displaying the cursor altogether. Then the only...