Search Results for: maya

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Maya License was not obtained error FIX!!!!

  License was not obtained License method: environment variable MAYA_LICENSE_METHOD=’standalone’ Product choice: environment variable MAYA_LICENSE=’657e1′ License file override: environment variable MAYA_ALT_EN is not set Just re-install your license. Assuming your...
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Maya Import/Export Skin Weights

Por fin encontré una herramienta genial para importar y exportar los skin weights de Maya 2011+ un .mel que exporta los vértices en un formato propietario “.dsw”   Funciona genial,...
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Maya MUT (Mark-Up-Tool)

Atención a los interesados en las  utilidades para animadores. Encontré ésta pequeña herramienta que hace maravillas, funciona con maya 2011. Es un MEL script que nos permite dibujar sobre el...
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RAMSES (Shotgun/Ftrack Free Alternative)

Researching for other project stumbled upon this (seemingly) great piece of Management software. ▹ Production Planning Ramses helps you easily plan your production, and estimate how long you’ll need to...
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Susanoo Launcher for Software with parameters

If you wanna launch maya without window and collect other versions, environments, presets and scripts for launching, you can use this neat little piece of software.