So you’ve been having issues with your wacom tablet (Intuos, Cintiq, Grapphire) 😛 and it stops being pressure sensitive or it just stops displaying the cursor altogether.

Then the only solution is to open Services.msc and stop/start the wacom service manually?

I made a tool that does it automatically for you, just create a new text file, copy the following code and save it as a .bat file, Example. Wacom_restart_service.bat

@echo off
set /p c= Quieres Reiniciar el Servicio Wacom [Y/N]?
  if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" goto :4
  if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :2
    set /p var= Service name: 
set /p c= Quieres Iniciar el Servicio Wacom[Y/N]?
  if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" goto :5
  if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :6
sc stop WTabletServicePro
sc start WTabletServicePro
echo Reiniciado por

After you run it, it will display a question prompt, just press Y and it will stop and restart the service automatically for you.

Remember to press Y and ENTER

After it’s done, it will display this info

You’re all set.

Edit 2022. If you want the code without the prompts, just paste this code on a BAT file.

@echo off
echo Reiniciando WTabletServicePro...
sc stop WTabletServicePro
sc start WTabletServicePro
echo Reiniciado por