Wacom Service Automatic Restart Tool
So you’ve been having issues with your wacom tablet (Intuos, Cintiq, Grapphire) 😛 and it stops being pressure sensitive or it just stops displaying the cursor altogether.
Then the only solution is to open Services.msc and stop/start the wacom service manually?
I made a tool that does it automatically for you, just create a new text file, copy the following code and save it as a .bat file, Example. Wacom_restart_service.bat
@echo off
set /p c= Quieres Reiniciar el Servicio Wacom [Y/N]?
if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" goto :4
if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :2
set /p var= Service name:
set /p c= Quieres Iniciar el Servicio Wacom[Y/N]?
if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" goto :5
if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :6
sc stop WTabletServicePro
sc start WTabletServicePro
echo Reiniciado por cocoalopez.com
After you run it, it will display a question prompt, just press Y and it will stop and restart the service automatically for you.
After it’s done, it will display this info
You’re all set.
Edit 2022. If you want the code without the prompts, just paste this code on a BAT file.
@echo off
echo Reiniciando WTabletServicePro...
sc stop WTabletServicePro
sc start WTabletServicePro
echo Reiniciado por cocoalopez.com