Category Archives: Tips y Tutoriales

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Aquí tienes algunas extensiones para estar libre de anuncios: Algunas extensiones para Firefox que les harán más fácil la vida. El primero bloquea los anuncios sponsored de caralibro: El...
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Great illustration and drawing books

Amazing resources over here for drawing and illustration books, toshi, etc…キャラに生命を吹き込むイラスト上達テクニック
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Machine Learning Projects Index

Curated by Emil Wallner, this machine learning projects index is amazing and a resource to consult frequently for your ML needs.
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Create tileable textures online

Use this tool to turn an existing, non-tileable stochastic texture into a tileable texture, by manipulating its edges using histogram-preserving blending. It works on all random-phase inputs, as well as...