Search Results for: maya

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Maya Screenshot Tool

Free script to help you with versioning in Autodesk Maya. Takes a screenshot of the active viewport using the playblast feature and saves it next to the scene file.
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Maya Playblast Tool (MayaCapture) With GUI

Found this nice tool for playblast control in maya, its a GUI for another playblast python script. Playblast Script (MayaCapture): Playblast GUI: Make sure to review all the...
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Quick Overshoot and Settle in Maya

Two very similar methods for quick overshoot/overlap and settle using maya. One by Paul Creamer The other method by Brian Horgan Remember, scrub your timeline, to the inbetween frame on...
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Rigging Tips for Game Dev for Maya

Also applicable on normal limited animation for Maya, rigging tips for games
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Quill to Maya to RS

Export de Quill como FBX Import FBX en Maya 2015+ Cargar Vertex Shader en Hypershade Asignar a todos los objetos Poly Ocultar Nurbs Objects Activar Hardware 2.0 Duplicar Vertex Shader...
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Ocultar la ventana de la Consola en Maya

Para ocultar el “Output window” al iniciar Maya: Modificar el shortcut de maya y agregar lo siguiente para eliminar el console window. "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\maya.exe" -hideConsole
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Resetear la posicion de las ventanas en Maya

Si una ventana desaparece de la pantalla en maya, hacer lo siguiente para restaurar las ventanas al área de trabajo. Cerrar maya e ir a: C:\Users\Documents\maya\2013\prefs borrar el archivo: windowPrefs.mel...